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Sage Palliative Medicine & Chronic Care

May 7, 2019

This episode features Deidre Morgan (Palliative and Supportive Services, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide, SA, Australia).

Functional decline can be anticipated for people with life-limiting illnesses. Trajectories of functional decline differ in shapes and patterns. Understanding...

May 7, 2019

This episode features Katrin Gerber ( National Ageing Research Institute & Queensland University of Technology).
Research  suggests that people generally would like to receive their end of life care at home. This study aimed to examine the decision making process of how preferences are formed. This qualitative study...

May 3, 2019

This episode features Sarah Combes (Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Palliative Care, King's College London, UK).

Older people living with frailty are projected to become one of the largest future users of palliative care. Advance care planning can improve person centred end of life care. However...