Jan 17, 2019
This episode features Dr Catriona Mayland (University of
Sheffield, UK).
The Quality of Death Index showed variability in the international
provision of care for the dying. In order to improve care, we
need to have validated outcome measures to assess the current
quality of care. One method of evaluation is to use the...
Jan 17, 2019
This episode features Dr Ann Dadich (Western
Sydney University, Austrailia)
Specialist home-based palliative care can improve symptom
management and quality of life and prevent hospitalisation at the
end-of-life. There is significant variation in how
home-based palliative care is delivered, even within...
Jan 9, 2019
This episode features Dr Simon Etkind (Cicely Saunders
Institute, King’s College London, London, UK).
To be person-centred, care should take into account individual
preferences. Some influences on care preferences in older
people have been described. These include the family and care
context, individual response...
Jan 7, 2019
This episode features Dr Huw Williams ( Cardiff
University, UK)
Around 2% –3 % of consultations in primary care are prone to
patient safety incidents. Patients receiving palliative care
are not immune to patient safety concerns. ‘Out-of-hours’
services are responsible for providing care for two-thirds